Pwani University Library

New Books 2014

This list contains 121 titles

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communication skills handbook   Publication: Nairobi | Kenya Agricultural Information Centre 1992 . xiii, 113 p. : 25 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (BF637.C45 H284 1992) .
A history of Islamic philosophy / by Fakhry, Majid. Publication: New York : Columbia University Press, 2004 . xxvi, 430 p. ; 24 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (B741 .F23 2004c1) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (B741 .F23 2004c2) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (B741 .F23 2004 c3) .
Accounting information systems / by Romney, Marshall B. Publication: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2012 . xx, 697 p. , Includes index. 29 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HF5679 .A34 2012 c.1) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HF5679 .A34 2012 c.2) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HF5679 .A34 2012 C3) .
African sacred groves : ecological dynamics & social change by Michael J. Sheridan. editor Publication: Oxford : | Athens, OH : | Pretoria : James Currey ; | Ohio University Press ; | Unisa Press, 2008 . x, 230 p. : 23 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (BL583 .A47 2008c1) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (BL583 .A47 2008c2) .
Agricultural development; by Hayami, Yūjirō, Publication: Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press 1971 . xiv, 367 p. 24 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HD1415 .H318 1971) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HD1415 .H318 1971 c2) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HD1415 .H318 1971 c3) .
An integrated approach to software engineering / by Jalote, Pankaj. Publication: New York : Springer, 2005 . xiv, 566 p. : 24 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QA76.758 .J35 2005 c.1) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QA76.758 .J35 2005 c.2) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QA76.758 .J35 2005c3) .
An Introduction to Early Childhood: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Tim Waller. editor Publication: London SAGE Publications Ltd 2009 . 244p. , Children's rights to participation / Gill Handley Protecting children / Celia Doyle Inclusive practice for children with special educational needs / Chris Hickman and Kyffin Jones Joined up thinking in practice : an exploration of professional collaboration / Eunice Lumsden Modern childhood : contemporary theories and children's lives / Tim Waller Child health / Sharon Smith and Tania Morris Children's learning / Tim Waller and Ros Swann Studying children / Jane Murray International perspectives / Tim Wall Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HQ767.9 .I58 2009) .
An introduction to probability theory and its applications. by Feller, William, Publication: New York, Wiley 1966 . xviii, 626p. 24 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QA273 .F3713 1966) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QA273 .F3713 1966 c2) .
An introduction to psychological assessment and psychometrics / by Coaley, Keith. Publication: Los Angeles : SAGE, 2010 . xiv, 291 p. : 24 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (BF176 .C62 2010) .
Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice by Armstrong, Michael, Publication: London ; | Philadelphia : Kogan Page, 2012 . xxxvi, 752 p. : , Includes index. 25 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HF5549.17 .A76 2012 c.1) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HF5549.17 .A76 2012 c.2) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HF5549.17 .A76 2012 c3) .
Assignment and Thesis Writing by J. Anderson Publication: Cape Town Gazelle Distribution 2009 . xiv, 174p. , Previous ed.: 1999. 22 cm.. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (LB 2369 A63 2009) .
Atkins' Physical chemistry. by Atkins, P. W. Publication: Oxford ; | New York : Oxford University Press, 2002 . xxi, 1150 p. : , Includes bibliographical references and index. 28 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QD453.3 .A74 2002) .
Beginning programming with java for dummies(r), 3rd edition / by Burd, Barry J. Publication: Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub., Inc., 2012 . xviii, 436 p. 24 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QA76.73.J38 B87 2012) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QA76.73.J38 B87 2012) .
Beverage basics : understanding and appreciating wine, beer, and spirits by Small, Robert W., Publication: Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011 . 462 p. : 29 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (TP505 .S63 2011 C1) , Pwani University Library, Kilifi (TP505 .S63 2011 C2) .
Business law / by Ogola, J. J. Publication: Nairobi : Focus Pubilshers, 2010 . 472 p. ; , Includes index. 20 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (KSK78.B87 O38 2010) .
Capture-based mud crab aquaculture and artisanal fishery in East Africa : Practical and ecological perspectives by Mirera, David Publication: Sweden Linnaeus University Press 2013 , "TC/M/Y5258E/1/02.04/2900"--P. [4] of cover. 30 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (SH380.47 M57 2013) .
Cell biology / by Pollard, Thomas D. Publication: Philadelphia : Saunders, 2004 . xiv, 813 p. : 29 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (QH581.2 .P65 2004) .
Child language : acquisition and development by Matthew Saxton. Publication: Los Angeles : SAGE Publications, 2010 . xvii, 326 p. ; 24 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (P118 .S38 2010) .
Children learning outside the classroom : from birth to eleven by Waite, Sue. editor Publication: Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications, 2011 . xxiv, 236p. p. cm Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (LB1047 .C55 2011) .
Classical and contemporary sociological theory : text and readings by Appelrouth, Scott, Publication: Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Pine Forge Press, 2012 . xxiv, 862 p. : 26 cm. Holdings: Pwani University Library, Kilifi (HM586 .A66 2012) .
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